Charleston sex offender sentenced to nearly 20 years in federal prison after sting arrest

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD)- A Charleston man has been sentenced to nearly 20 years in prison following a fall 2020 arrest for explicit conservations with an undercover police officer he thought was a teenage boy.

Therence Jamison, 58, was sentenced after pleading guilty to attempted coercion and enticement of a minor.

According to prosecutors, Jamison — who is a registered sex offender — exchanged sexually explicit messages with whom he believed to be a 14-year-old boy on an online dating app.

In November 2020, Jamison arranged to meet the boy at his home to engage in sexual activity. When he arrived, he was met by an undercover officer and arrested.

“There is no place in our community for crimes against children,” U.S. Attorney Adair F. Boroughs said. “The U.S. Attorney’s Office stands ready to seek justice for victims of child exploitation and hold predators accountable. We are grateful to our law enforcement partners who work tirelessly to help identify and prevent these crimes.”

U.S. District Judge Bruce H. Hendricks sentenced Jamison to 223 months — or about 18.5 years — in prison, to be followed by a lifetime term of court-order supervision.

“HSI is committed to protecting children in our communities from predators that seek to abuse and exploit them, ” said Ronnie Martinez, Special Agent in Charge for HSI Charlotte, which covers North and South Carolina. “This sentencing is the result of the hard work of the agents and officers of HSI and our state and local law enforcement partners, to identify and arrest sexual predators and bring justice to the victims.”

The Mount Pleasant Police Department, South Carolina Attorney General’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, and Homeland Security Investigations assisted with the investigation.



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This seems like a case where there could have been but wasn’t a victim to “bring justice to”. I feel like a couple years in prison along with 20 years of supervision would have adequately deterred this offender from further crimes against adolescents.

And wow, imagine that, the registry does not prevent people who want to engage in criminal activity from doing so.

They took him booked him and cook him 🔥

I looked it up and this guy was convicted of his offense that he was registered for in 1988 (when he was 22). The last thing I want to see are recidivists that have been offense free for this many years go and do something that gets them into trouble like this. While we know he was only as likely to commit this offense as some random person in the general public, it is hard to tell people this and then they have examples like this one showing someone who still committed an offense after 32 years have gone by.

This man should have fled the country the moment he knew charges were about to be dropped. He could have made it to Germany and hooked up with River. This is the type of case where he might have gotten asylum in Deutchland. If the state dept had suspended his passport, he could have taken a chance on getting into Canada and applying for personal protection. Denise Harvey got it when she faced 30 years for a relationship with 16 year old boy. This man in SC never touched a kid, because there was a cop 👮at the other end. So he would have had a good chance in Canada🇨🇦 But it’s too late now. He’ll be almost 80 if he lives long enough to make it out of prison.

In Michigan, two men who were in a plot to kidnap the governor—serious political violence against an actual person—were found not-guilty by a jury that didn’t find the sting-based investigation compelling. But discussing sex with an imaginary teen? That’s twenty years. Did this guy plead guilty? Article doesn’t say.

It’s difficult to believe that anyone would still fall for these stings given how much media hype and law enforcement presence there is online these days. It sort of reminds me of “genre blindness” in horror movies, where all the characters behave in a way that almost nobody in the real world would in the same situation. That said, this man could have been reacting to the *custom tailored* attention, and manufactured affection the imaginary “minor” had given him (likely, over an extended period of time), rather than simply the invented age alone. I imagine he may have been quit lonely, isolated, and desperate for some kind of connection, and probably felt more comfortable around someone younger/less “complicated”, and possibly he found other adults somehow threatening/judgemental or in some other way unapproachable/unappealing physically or psychologically. Those who set up these stings are *fully aware* and trained for this sort of vulnerable, unstable psychology, and will exploit it until they capture their prey. When all is said and done, this story is just one more example on the mountain of evidence proving how the registry is absolutely useless in preventing criminal behavior…(of course, that is not, and will never be the point of the registry anyway…). Also…20 years + registered for life…what a bunch of a*hole clowns.

Last edited 1 year ago by nameless

Do these clowns have any concept of what a “Predator” actually is? I assure you, the rabbit does not invite the wolf over to his burrow after a series of “Getting to know you” conversations.

This man is being convicted for wanting to hook up with a 14 year old, a 14 year old he thought wanted to hook up with him. I’m not…if I am totally honest, super happy about that idea…but, this is not some kind of Hell Worthy trespass. I’m sorry, but this just isn’t that big a deal…in my opinion.

The fact this man believed this was a consensual meeting, for agreed to purposes, conclusively establishes this was in no way shape or form predation. The rabbit, under no circumstances, agrees to the wolf’s plans for their time together. Alas we live in a clown society filled with clown people that misuse the English language for effect, rather than accuracy.

Facts seem to no longer have any meaning. We, as a society, seem to be drifting more and more into individual fantasy worlds built on foundations of half-truths, exaggerations, and outright lies. If anyone was acting in a “Predatory” way, it was the people conducting the sting. They used deception to lure their prey in, then pounced upon him. That’s predatory….but clowns will wish that away, call the cops, “Heros” despite having done NOTHING remotely heroic….then call this man a””Predator”…despite having done NOTHING even remotely resembling predatory behaviors. Prey DO NOT AGREE to hook up with predators to be eaten….how Fing stupid are these clowns?!?!?!?!?

But words, like the facts they claim to convey, no longer have any meaning…only Market Value, based on their ability to manipulate the audience.

For the most part, I disagree with sting operations. There is a fine line between them and entrapment, particularly with sex offenses. I also believe the sentence was excessive. Courts, particularly federal courts, have very little sympathy for repeat sex offenders. Everyone here knows that. I will say that anyone who recommits a sex crime is just a slow learner.

Besides any actual or imagined harm from a crime, a recidivist harms all registrants by hardening public opinion. No, registries don’t provide protection to the public. However, the public will generally not come to that conclusion. It is more likely that arguments will be made for harsher and more intrusive restrictions. Please don’t harm anyone, including fellow registrants.

“There is no place in our community for crimes against children,” “HSI is committed to protecting children in our communities from predators that seek to abuse and exploit them, ”
What children?

“This sentencing is the result of the hard work of the agents and officers of HSI and our state and local law enforcement partners, to identify and arrest sexual predators and bring justice to the victims.”

The Doc’s interpretation:

‘This sentencing is the result of the easy work of the monkeys 🐒 of HSI and our state and local criminals🥷, to identify and arrest lonely 50 year olds who might try and hook up with a teenage boy, but they’ll hook up with a cop👮instead

In my experience, women judges and prosecutors tend to be far more vindictive than men in these cases.

Don’t know why people here are making comments defending this guy. He knew the risk of his actions. He had that ‘yearly’ reminder. Knowing the penalty, he took a gamble with his urges and lost. You guys argue in favor of someone who should have known better? 20 years sounds a little harsh, but that’s how they send a message to future repeat-offenders. This guy had to relive going to court again and get hammered with questions regarding his 1st offense no matter how long ago. Feels almost like double jeopardy. I went through that with my FTR charge. I say stop defending a person who had a chance and blew it.

This is, truly, a victimless crime. There is, quite literally, no victim here.

I’m reading more into this man’s sentence. Given that he was convicted in the Bible belt of South Carolina, where evangelicalism and MAGA Q-Anon beliefs run rampant, would his sentence have been less harsh if he had tried to hook up with a girl instead of a boy? 🤔

Really? There was no child. What about all the hundreds of children trafficked and raped coming over the Southern Border in Texas? I think the undercover officers time could , and should be spent tracking down the evil people actually guilty of hurting “real child”.
incredible what our Tex dollars go to ,

20 years for a thought crime? So he thought he was communicating with a teen. No teen was actually harmed so no real crime was committed. I feel all such convictions should be redressed in court.
This would be a good hill to fight on. No victim, no crime so no convictions.